Sesame Street: The Aveggies- Age of Bon Bon (Avengers Parody)

As the Healthy Eating Coordinator at my school I'm always trying to promote a healthy balanced diet and making healthy choices through events and contests in school. However I needn't have bothered as Sesame Street has done one if its amazing parodies promoting healthy eating through the use of the Avengers IP. The result is a brilliant parody that has jokes for the kids but also for the adults.

Downton Does Star Wars

There are a few mash-ups that make sense, like peanuts and gum... together at last. But Downton and Star Wars was a weird one. It's all been done by Rob James-Collier (Thomas Barrow) to raise £10,000 for Chilterns MS Centre. He filmed the entire mash-up on his mobile phone and the result is fun. Check it out below, to see part 2 Rob has said that if the money is raised he will publish it online. All for a good cause eh!