She-Ra Season 5 Trailer Drops

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix is a modern reimagining of the classic ’80s Filmation series. She-Ra is a part of the He-Man universe and so holds a place in many fans’ hearts, and as expected this led to many debates about whether the new take on the character was any good.

After 4 stunning seasons and a cliffhanger ending where the varying story threads all weaved together to build to a final battle between Etheria and the Horde Prime Empire, the answer is most definitely yes!

The fifth and final season will air on 15th May and I for one can’t wait! It’s been a heck of a journey but it seems like a good a place as any to end on a high. So, check out the new trailer and wait with bated breath for a tub thumping finale!