Penda's Fen- Cult TV and Film Review

I first heard of Penda's Fen a few years ago when it came up on my recommended list on Amazon after purchasing the 'Children of the Stones' DVD. I gave it a miss as I had loads to other things to watch but, on a rainy, cold day recently I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Penda's Fen

The film was made in the 1970s and is a strange beast. It explores the history of Britain and is a poetic study of Britain's pagan and historical past. Main teenage protagonist Stephen is a devout Christian who has a very narrow outlook on theology. However, as he experiences visions, dreams (featuring prominent figures from Britain's past including Elgar) as well as his sexual awakening, he undergoes a transformation of sorts.

Over the past few years I've watched some cult and strange retro television shows and films (many are linked below) but this one might be one of the strangest. It shares a lot of the common DNA of those other shows; a feeling of other-worldliness and a strange ambiance which was effective and powerful, even with its budgetary constraints. However, it is also quite unique in that I can't really compare it to anything I've watched before.

I didn't fully understand the plot or various characters that make the occasional appearances but I get the general gist that it is to do with the end of local traditions and religions with the spread of monotheistic Christianity. However, the whole thing is wonderfully shot with stunning views of the Malvern Hills and gorgeous music by Elgar.

I'm sure that for people who watched it at the time it will bring fond memories but for others, who might not have seen this before like me, it is a curiosity and there are worse way to spend an hour and half of your time.