Final Fantasy 7 Remake- Videogames As Art

I’ve just finished Final Fantasy 7 Remake and I have to say that it's a gorgeous game. You are taken down some beautiful but linear tubes which has its pro’s and cons. I enjoyed the streamlined focus of the game but I felt disappointed in this stunningly realised world where much was heavily walled off.

An area the game really develops is the characterisation. I loved the earnestness of the characters, the camaraderie that grew and the consequences of Avalanche's actions and the sense of guilt they felt when ordinary citizens died or were put in harms way by their actions against Shinra. When Biggs and Jessie die (apparently) I felt a sense of sadness as I'd known them for 20 or so hours whereas in the original they'd come and gone in about a couple. I'm not saying this game is amazing but in an age of edge-lordy stuff it's lovely to get some emotion and cheesy empathy in your character who isn't a grizzled merc or a wise-cracking sociopath.

Now, if anyone would have a word with the President of Square Enix and say sending a letter which sounds similar to the remit of Shinra about the ‘perks of NFT’s’ is peak dick move, especially after you’ve released a game about fighting against corporate greed and ecological disaster. Oh well.