Astro's Playroom- Videogames As Art

I’ve been a big advocate for VR and especially PSVR since its release. We used it in a school I taught at as a contextual hub for learning but also, after school, we’d play some awesome games including Resident Evil VII and Astro Bot Rescue Mission. Occasionally, a proof of concept comes out and shows people how amazing a new piece of kit can be and this is exactly what Astro Bot was. Much like how Mario 64 showed how 3D worlds could be realised, Astro Bot showed how VR can be used effectively to create an amazing game that couldn’t exist in any other way. So, to show how amazing and versatile the PS5 controller is PlayStation once again brought along the adorable mascot and it’s a revelation how the haptic feedback and nuanced rumble react to the onscreen gameplay.

Anyway, here are some screenshots of my playthrough of this free game!