BBC Civilisation Augmented Reality App Brings History to Life

Civilisations is an amazing new BBC Two series that looks at the influence of art throughout the course of human history. The nine part show,presented by Simon Schama, Mary Beard and David Olusoga, is a fascinating programme and as a history buff (with a degree in Anthropology, because why not?) really appeals to me.

What really has me excited is that alongside the show there is a free to download app which allows users to explore and examine 37 artifacts from a digital download device, such as mobiles, tablets etc. The artifacts include the Rosetta Stone, the Reliquary Casket of St Thomas Beckett and a mummy in an Egyptian coffin among many others.

As a teacher the potential for exciting children about various eras of History is huge. To enable pupils to examine the artifacts by zooming in, x-raying and checking out the provenance is a wonderful opportunity for learning an more immersive than just books and . I hope to use the app in my class over the next couple of days and will relay my findings here but why not try it out yourself in the meantime?

The app is available free to Apple users via the App store and Android users through the Play Store.

LINK- Egypt 360

LINK- Egypt website

LINK- Explore Ancient Egypt in VR

The Amazing World of Gumball in Your Living Room

Jonathan Forder, a developer at immersive media studio Discover Studios, has used ARKit to bring cartoons into the living room . His prototype, which uses a clip from on of my favourite cartoons The Amazing World of Gumball (a cartoon which is animate using mixed media), shows the two main characters walking in his living room singing away. I am very impressed and with iOS11 enabled products having the power and tools to use AR apps the possibilities are truly exciting.