The Clangers Soundtrack on Vinyl Review

Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin were giants of British animation, creating Bagpuss, Noggin the Nog, Ivor the Engine and, of course, The Clangers. With their stop motion animation studio, Smallfilms, they have delighted legions of fans young and old over the last 50 or so years. Part of the charm of Smallfilms was the craftsy handmade products they made, and that could also be reflected in the magical music. I've already discussed that the Bagpuss Soundtrack had recently been released on vinyl but far more exciting for me is the recent re-release of the out of print Clangers Original Television Music by Vernon Elliot.

The music is from the original 26 episode run of the series from 1969, which was recorded in a local Kentish village hall. 50 years after their initial recording, these pieces of music have lost none of their wonder and charm. The Clangers soundtrack remains a seminal work piece of work, not just of children’s television, but of music as a whole. Composer Elliot's contribution to The Clangers was great as he created a warm and recognisable soundscape in an alien world. Listening to the music away from the show you can appreciate the craftsmanship that went onto the compositions; it is all beautifully minimalist performed mostly on a bassoon (in which Elliot was an expert) and a clarinet, harp, glockenspiel and flute. Highlights for me include Music, Cloud and Music of the Spheres as they are all very unique soundscape pieces that stand on their own.

The Clangers Soundtrack is a wonderful album that can be appreciated for its music in isolation from the show and is highly recommended.

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Clangers Soundtrack on Vinyl

Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin were phenomenally influential British animators, creating Bagpuss, Noggin the Nog, Ivor the Engine and, of course, the Clangers.

With their stop motion animation studio, Smallfilms, they delighted and awed many children and adults alike. Part of the charm of Smallfilms was the craftsy handmade products they made, and that could also be reflected in the magical music. I've already discussed that the Bagpuss soundtrack had recently been released on vinyl but far more exciting for me is the recent re-release of the out of print Clangers Original Television Music by Vernon Elliot. The music is from the original 26 episode run of the series, which was recorded in a local Kentish village hall. This lends the music a naïve, pastoral sound with natural ambiance.

I have listened to the album a couple of times already and already have a lot of affection for it, but once I've listened to it a few more times I will be writing a more detailed review so watch this space!

The track listing is:

A1: Episode One - Intro Music And Dialogue
A2: From - Music
A3: From - Visiting Friends
A4: G2: Clangers Running Up And Down. How Can They Rescue Tiny Clanger
A5: From - Fishing
A6: From - Treasure
A7: Miscellaneous Clangers Movements
A8: From - Goods
A9: An End Title
A10: Ting Clanger's Radio Hat
A11: Oliver's Special Effects
B1: From - The Rock Collector
B2: From - Glowhoney
B3: From - Teapot
B4: From - Cloud
B5: From - The Seed
B6: From - The Bags
B7: From - Blow Fruit
B8: From - The Pipe Organ
B9: From - Music Of The Spheres

LINK- Bagpuss, Clangers and Co. Exhibition

LINK- Bagpuss Soundtrack on Vinyl