Dead Pixels

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No Straight Roads- Videogames As Art

I like to support small or new developers, especially when they create something that is truly a labour of love and I feel this is true for Metronomik with their debut game, No Straight Roads. The game is an action adventure based around Rock and EDM music. Whilst gorgeous to look at and sumptuous to listen to the gameplay is overly simplistic. However, the writing is witty, the characters are cute and well designed and the boss fights are pretty epic (if a bit bullet spongy). The game is about 6 hours long and worth your time as a pleasant diversion.

LINK- Man of Medan: Videogames As Art

LINK- Until Dawn: Videogames As Art

LINK- The Far Shore: Indie Games, Superbrothers and the Making of Jett

LINK- Blood, Sweat and Pixels- Book Review

LINK- The Offworld Collection- Book Review

LINK- Uncharted 4- Video Games As Art

LINK: Japan: My Journey to the East

LINK- Natives: Race and Class in the Ruin of Empire- Book Review

LINK- On And On And Colston ( Or, How We Kinda Sort of Learned to Talk About the Legacy of Colonialism and the British Empire)