Little Hope- Videogames As Art

Supermassive Games has its ouvre in narrative driven horror tropes games, the studio being most know for fan-favourite Until Dawn. They continued this style of work on in the Dark Pictures Anthology series and the first part, Man of Medan came out to mixed reviews, some liking the story but not the characters and visa versa. I enjoyed the game enough but it didn’t blow me away, although the central mystery was pretty interesting.

So, it was with some interest that I approached Little Hope, the second game in the anthology series. I’d heard mixed reviews again but generally it was more poorly received than the previous game. Whilst browsing at my local game shop, I saw the game priced at 10 quid and though I’d give it a go.

I have to say that after the 4 or so hours it took to finish the game, only losing one from my party of five, I think it is an okay experience but not as good as their previous work. I’m not disappointed with my time spent on this game but I’m glad I bought it at a big discount as, although there are various branches and slight narrative detours available, the central story and reveal is a one and done for me.

Anyway, here are some screenshots from my playthrough. Sorry but it’s a lot of ‘moody player in shadows’ shots but that’s pretty much the game!