Shikhondo- Video Games As Art

I’ve always liked shoot ‘em ups… no, not first person gun games (although some are alright) but space ship shooting aliens. They've always held a special place in my heart as once the enemy patterns are learnt and memorised you can look like a boss completing a game. I have a vivid memory of playing Rtype at Heathrow airport and getting to level 3, that huge base ship.
Unfortunately over the last few years bullet hell games have taken over, I like them as I feel zen-like when I play them but they are not the same as traditional shoot 'em ups. Bullet hell games, especially the ones that have made their way West in the last few years on console including Deathsmile and Akai Katana have a place but they do feel stagnant compared to Dodonpachi and Ikaruga, the true exciting innovators of bullet hell. But generally bullet hell games have a different feel and mechanics and so it is with Shikhondo. The game looks pretty but is a bit of a soulless affair. Enjoy the images and grab the game when it’s on sale.