I love listening to video game music and often it soundtracks my life, whether I’m working, running or just chilling. However, there's so many amazing soundtracks that are forgotten simply because many people don't have easy access to them. So when Square Enix announced that they were releasing their own YouTube channel with tonnes of music, live music performances and composer interviews I was ecstatic. I went on there and there are thousands of tracks available to listen to… looks like my music mix is sorted for the foreseeable.
There are thousands of tracks on the Square Enix Music channel on YouTube.
LINK- The Moomins 80's Soundtrack Vinyl Review
LINK- Inspector Gadget Retro Soundtrack Review
LINK- Ulysses 31 Retro Soundtrack Review
LINK- The Mysterious Cities of Gold Retro Soundtrack Review
LINK- Sonic Mania Video Game Vinyl Soundtrack
LINK- Thomas Was Alone Video Game Vinyl Soundtrack Review
LINK- Akira Soundtrack Vinyl Review
LINK- The Rise of Retro Gaming During Covid
LINK- Blood, Sweat and Pixels- Book Review
LINK: Japan: My Journey to the East
LINK- An English Geek in Saudi