Square Enix Music Released on YouTube

I love listening to video game music and often it soundtracks my life, whether I’m working, running or just chilling. However, there's so many amazing soundtracks that are forgotten simply because many people don't have easy access to them. So when Square Enix announced that they were releasing their own YouTube channel with tonnes of music, live music performances and composer interviews I was ecstatic. I went on there and there are thousands of tracks available to listen to… looks like my music mix is sorted for the foreseeable.


Square Enix Music

There are thousands of tracks on the Square Enix Music channel on YouTube.

The Women Who Pioneered Video Game Music

I found an amazing video whilst falling into the YouTube algorithm rabbit hole about the role of female video game composers within the industry. Now, I know some of the big names out there like Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts, Street Fighter II) and Michiru Yamane (lots of classic Castlevanias) but I didn’t know that the contribution to music within the industry was so poorly known or documented. This video helps right a lot of that and at just over 13 minutes, is well worth your time.

Sega Soundtracks on Spotify

The world may seem grim and things may get you down sometimes but there are moments of pure joy and pleasure and these are one of those times. Sega have released the soundtracks to many of their classic games including Outrun, Jet Set Radio Future, Virtua Fighter and NiGHTS on Spotify. I am not a subscriber to the service but if you are then this is pretty awesome!

rePLAY: Symphony of Heroes Concert

rePLAY: Symphony of Heroes is an orchestral concert series with the music of beloved video games including Journey, God of War, and Guild Wars among others. The concert will debut at concert halls worldwide this summer. I have booked tickets to see the show in London on Friday 26th September at the SSE Arena, Wembley and am looking forward to seeing the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra perform these pieces live. Check out the link below to order your own tickets.