Lost Ethereal- A Short Yet Epic Feeling Game

The Low Res Jam is a game jam that challenges developers to make a low resolution game - 64 x 64. With these limitations it may seem like the games produced may not be of a high calibre but games like Lost Ethereal show that with a little creativity and effort you can make epic games. The creepy, unsettling game was created by Eric Howard and Christian Masse and even though it can be completed in under 5 minutes feels epic due to its evocative and stirring score. If you have a spare few minutes play the game, it is free to play in-browser and is well worth your time.

Cat&Fish- Pixel Art At Its Best

Jonathan Romero Ruiz is an amazingly accomplished pixel artist. He is the lead artist in the upcoming game Gods Will Be Watching but I want to share his wonderful art work shared on his tumblr page. Any fan of pixel art needs to check out his work, it is stunning! I've put his Spike Spiegel (from Cowboy Bebop below) but follow his work on tumblr (linked below)

Superhero Post-It Mural

Post- It Notes are amazing, as well as providing us with a useful space to write bits of information and and sticking it somewhere to serve as a reminder, they are also brilliant as a medium for artistic endeavours. A few years ago I made a Space Invader Post-It mural to brighten up an office I shared in Phnom Penh.

Simple but effective, it certainly brightened up our office.

But this team at The Shop SF have done something remarkable. Check it out, interior decoration on the cheap and awesome!

Primavera Sound 2015

Festival season is going to be starting up and there are the usual radio announcemnsts and full page ads in music magazines with micro-sized letters of the bands who will be playing. Not so for the Primavera Sound 2015 advertising campaign, Snoop Igloo have created a cool looking pixel art inspired video announcing the bands playing and it looks freakin' awesome. Check it out!