Godzilla is a part of huge part of Japanese pop-culture and it has permeated here, into the West with varying degrees of success. As part of the annual harvest festival in the Japanese town of Chikuzen, a giant hay effigy was create to the beast in 2016. A dedicated, and slightly eccentric team, spent over four months building the main frame of the beast whilst over a hundred volunteers completed the project. What makes the creature stand out, however, is the glowing red LED lights- an homage to Hideki Anno’s Shin Godzilla from 2016.
Mysterious Cities Of Gold Season 3 Premiere
I have a deep love for the Mysterious Cities of Gold and after an okay season 2 which picked up midway through the episodes it is with bated breath that I have waited for any announcements regarding the third season. Well at the 19th FIFEM Festival (Festivale International Du Film Pour Infants) in Montreal the new season is being kicked off with a premier of the first 3 episodes. Living in England I'm obviously not able to go but I hope that the new series arrives soon as I need closure after 2 cities of gold were found and now the hunt is on for the third in Japan.
Metal Gear Solid V Japanese TV Commercial
Ahhh Japan, famed for it's amazing electronics and quirky sense of humour as highlighted in films like Lost In Translation. Ahhh Metal Gear Solid, famed for it's incredible gameplay and bad-s#*t crazy storytelling. Now combine them both for a Japanese TV commercial for the game and you get something truly special. As of yet to subtitles have not been provided but you'll get the gist of the advert when you see it.... it is something truly unique.
Japanese Life 8-bit style
Toyoi Yuuta, publishing under his pseudonym 1041uuu, have created wonderful 8-bit GIFs which depict life Japan. His wonderful animations offer an insight into modern day Japan, showing its routines in an endless loop. Check out his site below and appreciate his beautiful work.
Evangelion Battle Vision Turns Classic Anime Into a Wrestling Match
It is a lazy stereotype that the Japanese have a weird sense of humour but when they produce this marvelous concoction of classic anime Evangelion and wrestling who can argue? It shouldn't work but it just does.