All-New DuckTales Cast Announced... Then Sing the Theme Tune!

Duck Tales was an amazing cartoon and one of my favourite of my childhood. I have the entire series, having currently just finished watching the entire Batman: The Animated Series, and am working my way through the 100 Duck Tales episodes.  When I heard that it was going to be remade I was a bit concerned but after hearing the stellar voice-cast, which includes David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck,and hearing that the writer of Gravity Falls is involved I am super excited. I can't wait for the new series!

Duck Tales with Real Ducks

Duck Tales was one of my cartoon highlights from the 80's. I have fond memories of waking up on Saturday morning and watching the show with my older brother. Well now someone has taken their love of Duck Tales to new extremes, recreating the entire opening of the show with REAL ducks... yup, REAL ducks. Enjoy!