Recreate Classic Artwork At Home

It is said that ‘Boredom inspires creativity’ and ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ and, with the months of lockdown, people have been finding ways to be inspired and inventive. Being at home for weeks on end has meant that to entertain themselves and show an appreciation (and deprecation) of art and the results have been hilarious.

I’ve made my own version of the Easter Island monolithic moai heads using toilet roll. It’s just a bit of fun but for better examples check out the Facebook group.

Easter Isalnd- Recreating Classic Artworks With Things Found at Home

Superhero Post-It Mural

Post- It Notes are amazing, as well as providing us with a useful space to write bits of information and and sticking it somewhere to serve as a reminder, they are also brilliant as a medium for artistic endeavours. A few years ago I made a Space Invader Post-It mural to brighten up an office I shared in Phnom Penh.

Simple but effective, it certainly brightened up our office.

But this team at The Shop SF have done something remarkable. Check it out, interior decoration on the cheap and awesome!

Video Game Art Archive

This website is a gallery of pictures and paintings taken from the walls of computer games spaces. The number of pictures is still quite small as it is a work in progress. It's interesting to see the types of background images which the artists have placed, often the images are blurry and a pixelated mess due to the nature of 8 and 16 bit restrictions of 16x16 pixel canvas. 

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time features pictures of Poe's

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time features pictures of Poe's

The background mural from Street Fighter 2, taken from E.Honda's level.

The amazing Monkey Island, I love the pixel art quality of this!

The amazing Monkey Island, I love the pixel art quality of this!