Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy Composer) Concert in London
Fans of composer Nobuo Uematsu will be delighted to hear that there will be a concert of his works at the Barbican. The famed composer, creator of legendary soundtracks for games such as The Last Story, Chrono Trigger and of course, Final Fantasy, will have his works played by Symphonic Odysseys London and the London Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday 20th June. A special highlight is that Uematsu will be giving a talk before the concert for a reasonable price of £10.
Final Fantasy is one of my favourite games of all time and the amazing soundtrack is a huge part of that.
Fans of Uematsu should get the tickets soon as they are selling out very quickly. I'd love to go but unfortunately can't as I have other engagements on the date but thought I'd spread the love!