Little Nightmares 2- Video Games As Art

I loved the darkly beautiful Little Nightmares, a puzzle- platformer game with horror elements developed by Tarsier Studios. I loved the creepy characters that reminded me of various shows including Jim Henson's The Storyteller, the work of the Bolex Brothers and the unsettling creatures created by stop-motion supremo Jan Svankmajer. The art style was grotesque, and even though there were horrific scenarios, the imagery it created were beautiful that stuck in the mind long after the game ended.

I awaited the sequel with much excitement and am happy to report that Little Nightmares 2 builds on this world further and still features Six, alongside main protagonist Mono. The story is intriguing and is not a straightforward sequel or prequel but rather a more complex, wibbly-wobbly, timey wimey affair. I completed the game in about 6 hours in a couple of sittings and loved it. I also loved the advert which is a work of art itself with the mysterious illusionist Derren Brown narrating the nature of nightmares.

Little Nightmares- Video Games As Art

I recently completed the darkly beautiful Little Nightmares, a puzzle- platformer game with horror elements. The game was developed by Tarsier Studios and casts you as a young girl, called Six, who is trapped in The Maw – a mysterious vessel which caters to the depraved needs of sick and powerful creatures. As you make your way through the ship you come across various grotesque creatures, the designs of which will remain in your consciousness long after you finish the game. It reminds me of various shows including Jim Henson's The Storyteller, the work of the Bolex Brothers and the unsettling creatures created by stop-motion supremo Jan Svankmajer.

The art style is grotesque and even though there are horrific scenarios the imagery it creates is beautiful.