Gravity Rush is a weirdly wonderful steampunk fantasy game in which you control an amnesiac young girl with levitation powers. So far so video game trope-y, but what sets this game apart from many others is the sheer artistry on show and character. Kat, the protagonist is very likeable and apart from her barely-there fan-service appeasing attire, a strong female lead. The graphics of the remaster (from the 2012 PS Vita game) are excellent and the artistic flair is beautiful to behold on the big screen. If you get a chance check it out!
Using PSVR as a Writing Stimulus
At school we recently purchased a Playstation 4 and a VR headset. The PSVR headset just arrived today, after meeting the huge backlog in demand and Christmas rush, but we hope to use it as a contextual hub for learning. I've spoken many times before about how video games can be used as an instrument to hang learning on but with VR you can BE there, in the world.
I have been using the past few weeks since the PS4 purchase to play and record a few games which I feel can be used as a writing stimulus and will be working alongside my colleagues in creating exciting and fun lesson plans based on these soon. Today, with the arrival of the PSVR I played the demo disc, which contained several experiences of varying quality, and again hope to be using these to assist in developing the English curriculum.
VR could be an integral part of education and PSVR seems to be one of the most affordable commercial ways to get in on the ground level. Whether the potential is realised is to be seen but at my school we'll be giving it a good shot!
The PSVR does require a lot of wires.
The headset itself is extremely comfortable and adjustable, even for a glasses wearer like me.