Minecraft: More Than A Game

Minecraft is where a lot of people spend their leisure time, irrespective of age or gender (although it is more popular amongst the pre-teens). As a teacher I've lost count of the number of times I've heard children speak to me and each other about the game, I am a gamer and know Minecraft well however a lot of the children know the Minecraft world better than they do planet Earth.  As part of BBC's 'Make It Digital' initiative, to inspire digital creativity across the UK Jolyon Jenkins asks why our children are hooked on the  game Minecraft. The radio show is very interesting and for the uninitiated very informative, for those in the know it is just a consolidation of what you know but it well worth a listen. As for the parents who say that the game makes their children irritable, consider not allowing them play it non stop over the weekend maybe.

Why Minecraft Persists!

Minecraft has been here for years, for many young gamers it is hard to imagine a time before it. Simon and I have already discussed the importance and educational aspects of Minecraft before (links to these are at the bottom of this article) but I want to discuss why Minecraft still persists.

Minecraft is at a fixed premium price on iOS yet has been in the top position in UK charts for many many weeks. In fact over the Summer holidays Minecraft was the number one selling game on consoles, beating AAA heavy hitters like Watch Dogs, Grand Theft Auto V and Mario Kart 8. In other media like music and films you do not get old films staying at the top of the charts for years, so why does Minecraft still persist?

I am no stranger to online gaming, playing Age of Empires way back and more recently COD but this is different. This is not gaming, this is a parallel world for children and adults alike. The collaboration, commitment, creativity and community that Minecraft inspires within children in particular is jaw droppingly revolutionary. In this over-protected, dumbed down, congested, polluted, corrupted world that we have handed to them the children have found something that we elders could only ever dream of... a magical Never Never Land where anything is possible. Through the various mods and updates Minecraft renews and refreshes itself- it adapts and evolves to each persons personal preference.  It is not a craze or fad, it is not going away. It is a multimedia juggernaut that sells cosplay equipment and books that have topped the charts across the world. Anything that encourages this level of creativity in children is okay with me, long live Minecraft.

LINK- Minecraft Still Dominates Charts

LINK- Deadpixels article- Exploring the World of Minecraft

LINK- Deadpixels article- The Power of Minecraft