She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Season 4- Complete Series Review
Fans of this blog will know that I have a deep affection for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. What many thought would be a bright and breezy reboot of the classic 80s Filmation series quickly established itself as a complex character-driven animation with an over-arching storyline that added much more nuance and lore than the original series ever had.
Season 3 of She-Ra changed the status quo of the entire series as it got all 'parallel universes and 'inter-dimensional portals' on us. So how does season 4 carry on the momentum established in the excellent previous seasons?
Catra finds herself even more isolated as the series continues.
Well, at the finale of the last season we found out that Hordak's plan was to open a portal to bring Horde Prime and the intergalactic Horde army to Etheria. Adora finally gained some insight as to who she really was and where she came from, and Catra went full heel and sustained some cool but temporary evil looking scars to show how bad ass she really had become. It all reached a dizzying crescendo that culminated in the ultimate sacrifice from a figure that would change the structure of the Princesses Alliance forever and have grave implications for the Best Friends Squad moving forward.
The new series kicks off as Glimmer has her coronation as Queen of Bright Moon. As she ascends the throne and has to deal with diplomatic concerns, Bow and Adora take the lead on missions. The excursions meet with initial success until a shape shifter, Double Trouble, enters the fold and adds some espionage into the unfolding drama. They tap into the growing hostility between Glimmer and Adora and light the fuse to the powder keg, and we see the group splinter in spectacular fashion.
Meanwhile, Catra bonds with Double Trouble, falls out with Scorpia and realises that victory is not all its cracked up to be as she and Hordak take over most of Etheria.
What this season does is look at the military industrial complex in more detail, specifically the many levels of bureaucracy that underpin it- heady stuff for a 'tween cartoon'. Glimmer struggles with the duties required from being a Queen, co-ordinating the campaign whilst sending her friends and colleagues out into the thick of battle whilst struggling with the guilt that mounting casualties unsuccessful campaigns rack up. Catra struggles with gaining resources to take the Horde war machine forward whilst Hordak struggles to move forward with creating the ultimate weapon without his colleague and potential love interest, Entrapta.
The series has a few standout episodes, including number 7, where Hermista (one of my fave characters) gets her moment to shine as she leads the bottle episode where they try to figure out who the mole in the Alliance is, it's very stirring stuff with just the right amount of humour thrown in to add levity to proceedings. In another episode Light Hope glitches and whilst she is rebooting does some strange stuff, much to Adora's annoyance and our mirth. In another standout episode, the relationship between inept Horde soldier Kyle and his comrades is examined as the concept of family is looked at, they come across as sympathetic minions in a greater geo-political situation rather than faceless goons.
What I really enjoy about She-Ra is that the storyline is intriguing but the strong characterisation and the journey that each character goes through endears them to you, you become invested, be they hero or villain. There are definite shades of grey; Hordak seeks acceptance from his superior, Catra has attachment issues, Entrapta finds it hard to make friends, Scorpia is in a toxic relationship with Catra and Kyle wants to be lived and respected
The varying story threads all weave together wonderfully reaching an exciting and intergalactic climax as a deus ex machina is pulled and the status quo is shifted yet again. All in all, it all adds up to another great season that is building to a final battle between Etheria and the Horde Prime Empire.
LINK- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Complete Season 1 Review
LINK- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Complete Season 2 Review
LINK- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Complete Season 3 Review
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