Apollo 11 VR Lets You Experience the Moon Landing

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few days, news and media coverage about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing has been on pretty heavy rotation. Mankind’s greatest achievement, which took place between July 16th and July 24th 1969, is an undeniably powerful moment that changed the world forever but sometimes what was achieved can be hard to comprehend. The assist in this, the Apollo 11 VR experience by Immersive VR Education Ltd. gives people a chance to live the key moments of the voyage to the moon in full VR. You get a chance to hear J.F. Kennedy’s amazing speech, ‘‘We choose to do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard,’’ to walking up to the rocket, flying into space and landing on the moon.

I used the software with my class and they loved it as they brought this historic event to life by being immersed in the world. The experience is pretty cheap and shows the potential of using VR as a learning tool in an educational setting.

NASA Selfies App

The new NASA Selfies app allows you to take selfies, place it in an astronaut's helmet and select from 30 background images from around the universe. For those doing a topic on space this is a very fun FREE app. I've modeled a few myself below and yes I do look tragic but the educational potential is quite fun.