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Sonic Mania Soundtrack Pre-order

SEGA and Data Discs have just announced the official Sonic Mania vinyl album. For those who don't know Sonic Mania is the soon-to-be released Sonic game. Wait come back... don't run away. THIS Sonic game is a proper old skool Sonic game with faux 16-bit 2D style graphics.

The Sonic Mania vinyl will feature 16 new tracks by composer Tee Lopes, who has released several of the tracks on YouTube to build up interest in the project. As well as re-imaginings of classic tracks the vinyl promises to offer brand new tracks. I've listened to a few and as a whole they feel full of energy and very jazzy, mostly like the tracks in the Sonic Rush collection of games.

Pre-orders for the Sonic Mania Vinyl go live on the Data-Disc site at 8am (BST) and I for one will be trying to order the limited edition version of the vinyl for my collection. The vinyl will come with a digital download code so you can listen to it on your digital device. I can't comment upon the quality of the vinyl as it will ship in September but based on the many vinyls I have bought already from them it should be exceptional.