QR Codes to Share Work
A QR Code (it stands for "Quick Response") is a mobile phone readable barcode that's been gaining in popularity over the past few years.
In its simplest sense think "print based hypertext link" - simply encode a URL into the QR Code and then point a mobile phone (or other camera-enabled mobile) at it. If the device has had QR Code decoding software installed on it, it will fire up the browser and go straight to that URL.
But it doesn't stop there - a QR Code can also contain a phone number, an SMS message or just plain alphanumeric text, and the scanning device will respond by opening up the correct application to handle the encoded data appropriately courtesy of the FNC1 Application Identifiers that are embedded in the encoded data.
I thought that often we have a reception area in schools where parents and guests are waiting and having QR codes up on the wall would give the visitors something to do whilst waiting. The QR codes used in this display link to book reviews which the children created using Weebly. It is a fun and simple way to encourage visitors to just scan one of the QR codes and read the reviews, this does away with linking into Fronter or other MLEs and is simple and intuitive. I have created a QR code to a book review that I have created. Why don't you download a QR code reader on your mobile or tablet (they're free) and give it a try?
Scan these QR codes to see what is possible. I'm hoping to introduce QR codes across the school as a way to encourage multilingualism, so everyone can access the displays and work that the children produce.
Here is a few QR codes I have created, give it a try and see where it takes you!