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Brilliant Websites and Podcasts for Geeks

I want to share with you some amazing websites which I regularly visit. Maybe there's something here that you might like and get into, click on the images and you're set to go!

VGMpire is an informative and excellently researched site with it's focus on computer game music and soundtracks. They do regular podcast which are essential listens for a gamer like me.

Lasertimepodcast is a wonderful geek culture website which shares and discusses films, music, books, computer games... pretty much the whole gamut of media. It has a lively forum and people share their views and opinions in a respectful way. Wonderful!

Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is a surreal website which is brilliant, I can't really say much except go there and check it out!

Welcome to Nightvale is a weird and wonderful podcast set in a fictional desert town where conspiracy theories are all true, If you like X-files, Twin Peaks, American Gothic and other surreal series then you'll love this!

A fun and highly un-PC look at cartoons from the 80's.

This website gives a rich and full history of computer games, the articles are superbly written and uniformly informative. Brilliant!

Audio Atrocities looks at the terrible voice acting in computer games, you'd think that over the last few years with games getting bigger budgets and production values bad voice acting would be a thing of the past, but no.... you won't believe your ears!