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Teach Kids To Code With Minecraft and Star Wars

One is the video game phenomenon that took the world by storm and has enthralled millions through its sandbox game play and pure creativity. The other is a sci-fi film that defined the term blockbuster and created a whole cottage industry in special effects and merchandise. Together they are working to promote and encourage people to engage in programming. is a non-profit organization that seeks to encourage pupils in schools to learn the basics of coding and take up Computer Science, through offering themed coding lessons on its website. By using the Minecraft and Star Wars license it hopes to promote the skills required to code and create.

As a Computing teacher for many years this is definitely a step in the right direction, after the secretarial skills curriculum promoted in the 90's there is a severe lack of coding expertise and anything that encourages pupils to learn this in-demand skill is most welcome. I was playing the Minecraft and Star Wars Hour of Code sessions and found them to be highly enjoyable, progressing at a good pace with supplementary video help and guides to support those who need it.

The link is provided below and I will be using it in my after school computer club.

LINK- Minecraft and Star Wars Hour of Code